You are here: Become a Member / SCNP Fellow

Fellow application

Application for SCNP fellowship should be made by filling the online form here, AND also submitting a copy of the application form to the right (click on the image).

Applications can be submitted by researchers, Ph.D.-students and clinicians working within the fields of psychopharmacology, psychiatry, neurobiology and other relevant areas dealing with the CNS.

New fellows must be recommended by two senior fellows of the College (see below). Applicants must fill in the data requested on the form. Additional data may be requested if necessary for the evaluation.

Applications must be submitted with a payment of DKK 400-, covering membership fee for the period until December 31st. 

After review by the SCNP board, applicants will be notified regarding their membership status.

IMPORTANT! Applications must be filled in online here, AND the paper form (see right on this page) forwarded by e-mail to the SCNP secretariat

Please do not attach reprints or any additional material.

PAYMENTS: Please process the payment HERE

Applications without payment will NOT be considered.