You are here: UKU Scales / UKU-Side Effect Rating Scale - Patient version


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UKU-Side Effect Rating Scale

Main reference

Lindstrøm E, Lewander T,  Malm U, Malt UF, Lublin H, Ahlfors UG. Patient-rated versus clinician-rated side effects of drug treatment in schizophrenia. Clinical validation of a self-rating version of the UKU Side Effect Rating Scale (UKU-SERS-Pat). Nord J Psychiatry. 2001;55 Suppl 44:5-69.

Comments to the scale

A validation study comparing the patient version with the clinician rated UKU-side effect rating scale demonstrated statistical significant positive correlations between the scores for single, corresponding items and subscores of Psychic, Neurological, Autonomic and Other side effects, as well as the Total Score (Lindstrøm et al, 2001). However, patients tend to report side-effects more frequently and or rated symptoms more severe than the clinicians.

The results supported the validity of the SERS-Pat and suggested that patient rated side effects may provide important clinical information not detected by clinician rated interviews. Such information can be utilised both in clinical investigations, in development of treatment programs and for individual patients in clinical practice.