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ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology

Call for Applications
Participants at the SCNP 2011 meeting in Oslo are eligible to apply for the third course of the ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology. This course will be held from 3-8 July 2011 in Oxford, United Kingdom. SCNP will nominate 2-3 delegates that will attend the course free of charge and have their travel and accommodation expenses subsidized.

Deadline for application is April 1st 2011.

Who can apply?
The candidates would be qualified psychiatrists within 5 years of receiving their defining qualification and are likely to become key leaders of the speciality in the individual countries.

Guidelines to applicants
Applications should be submitted by e-mail to the scientific secretariat: ecnp_school(at)

The application form can be found here.

The Congress venue is situated in the centre of Oslo, only 100 meters from the Central Station and the Express train from Oslo Lufthavn Gadermoen. The Airport shuttle bus stops in front of the hotel. It is close to Oslo's finest shopping, sightseeing and entertainment. The congress venue also has indoor parking facilities if you arrive by car.


9.00-9.30 SCNP Scientific Frontiers Lecture
Moderator: Ole A. Andreassen (Oslo) 

The dark side of addiction: recent insights from studies on alcoholism
Markus Heilig (Bethesda)

9.30-10.15 THE ELI LILLY CANADA Heinz Lehmann Award Lecture 

Interference Peptides to Probe Addiction
Anthony Phillips (Vancouver)

10.15-10.45 Coffee Break 

I. Recent updates in psychiatric genetics

Moderator: Vidar M. Steen (Bergen) & Thomas Werge (Roskilde)

Vasopressin and pair bonding: from voles to man
Lars Westberg (Gothenburg)

Recent genetic findings in schizophrenia - implications for future drug discovery?
Thomas Werge (Roskilde)

Epigenetics of TrkB in Suicide
Carl Ernst (Montreal)

Genes involved in cognition
Vidar M. Steen (Bergen)

II. Neuroimaging in mood disorders
Moderators: Albert Gjedde (Copenhagen) & Doris Doudet (Aarhus/Vancouver)

Opportunities for improving antidepressants: Lessons from PET ligand imaging
Jeff Meyer (Toronto)

Hippocampus and depression. Data from the Danish PET/depression project with 8 years follow-up
Poul Videbech (Aarhus)

Can we predict clinical response in depressed patients using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging?
Glenda MacQueen (Calgary)

Monoaminergic modulation of emotional impact in the inferomedial prefrontal cortex
Albert Gjedde (Copenhagen)

Animal models and imaging in mood disorders
Doris Doudet (Aarhus/Vancouver)

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.30-13.50 The SCNP Lundbeck Foundation Research Awards
Moderator: Ole A. Andreassen (Oslo)

13.50-14.00 The CCNP Medal 2009
Moderator: Harry Robertson (Halifax)

Moderator: Harry Robertson (Halifax)

Erasing Fear Memories
Sheena Josselyn (Toronto)

ECNP scientific symposium: New treatments - Possible breakthroughs in recent clinical research
Moderators: Elias Eriksson (Gothenburg)  & Sven Ove Ă–gren (Stockholm)

Atypical psychotics in bipolar depression: a new major option?
Willem A. Nolen (Groningen)

The possible role of  group II metabotropic glutamate receptors for the treatment of schizophrenia
Abraham Weizman (Tel Aviv)

Protein kinase C inhibitor tamoxifen new concept in the treatment of mania
Aysegl Yildiz (Izmir)

16.00 Conclusion of Meeting
Ole A. Andreassen (Oslo) & Harry Robertson (Halifax)